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(Please note that the following broadcasts will only be available over-the-air at this time, and will not be part of our online stream. We are working to stream these shows for you in the near future.)

Local music from the Kansas City region is broadcast ALL DAY, ALL NIGHT, ALL WEEK, except for the following times:


9 AM - The Whistler
9:30 AM - Suspense
10 AM - The Clock
10:30 AM - The Weird Circle
11 AM - Lights Out
11:30 AM - Inner Sanctum


8 AM - The Shortwave Report w/ Dan Roberts
8:30 AM - The Lone Ranger
9 AM - The Black Museum
9:30 AM - The Crime Club
10 AM - The Planet Man
10:30 AM - Space Patrol
11 AM - X Minus One

11:30 AM - The Adventures of Superman


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